miércoles, 23 de junio de 2010

Ultimo día de clase / last day at the school

Hoy se han acabado las clases. Por ello, las profesoras nos han dado las notas y después hemos hecho una pequeña fiesta y nos hemos ido un rato al patio. También nos hicimos unas fotos de despedida. En la foto de 3-A está la profesora Rosa, que se jubila este año. !Te vamos a echar de menos, Rosa!

También hemos entregado a Alyssa y Sarah, nuestras profesoras americanas, un cuaderno con dibujos de todos los niños de las clases. Muchas gracias por enseñarnos inglés. Disfrutad a tope del verano. Os lo mereceis !

martes, 22 de junio de 2010

Drama play (Song: A cavity)

A cavity, a cavity

oh, won't that dentist let me be ?

A cavity, a cavity

It's time for a filling


A cavity, a cavity

that dentist wasn't hard on me

a cavity, a cavity

I'm glad for my filling !

DRAMA PLAY (SONG: You've got the flu)

Headache, fever, cough and throwing up

headache, fever, cough and throwing up

headache, fever, cough and throwing up

I'm sorry friend but you've got the flu

Drama play (SONG: My ear hurts)

My ear hurts, my ear hurts, my ear hurts

now it's time to take my medicine

my ear hurts, my ear hurts, my ear hurts

quiet down, you don't know the pain I'm in

my ear hurts

DRAMA PLAY (SONG: It looks like you need glasses)

It looks like you need glasses, it looks like you need glasses,

Don't think twice, take my advice,

It looks like you need glasses

At school you finally see the blackboard,

Poor vision is a problem that shouldn't be ignored !

Don't think twice, take my advice,

it looks like you need glasses.

Drama play (SONG: He's got a broken arm)

He's got a broken arm (repeat)

and she's got a cut on her elbow


If you've got a cut, cover it with a plaster

The doctor helps your broken arm heal faster

He's got a broken arm (repeat)

and she's got a cut on her elbow

lunes, 21 de junio de 2010

Teatro Fin de Curso / Drama plays

Esta mañana hemos representado las obras de teatro de fin de curso. La primera obra ha sido "La mansión fantasma" y la segunda han sido una variedad de situaciones cotidianas en relación con la salud. En las dos representaciones hemos cantado varias canciones. Aunque todos estábamos un poco nerviosos, lo hemos hecho lo mejor posible y el público ha salido de la sala muy contento. ¡ Nos alegra mucho que os haya gustado !
This morning we performed the end-of-the-year plays. The first play was "The Ghost Mansion" and the second was a number of scenes of daily situations in relation to health. We sang songs in both performances. Even though we were a little nervous, we did the best possible and the audience left the theatre very happy. We're glad that you liked them!

martes, 8 de junio de 2010

Visitando la Feria del libro / Visiting the Book Fair

Ayer estuvimos en la Feria del Libro de Madrid, donde vimos las casetas, jugamos en el parque y conocimos al escritor Martín Casariego. Este autor nos explicó cómo escribe los libros de su serie infantil sobre el personaje Pisco, le hicimos varias preguntas y además nos dedicó su libro. Ha sido una mañana interesante y divertida.
Yesterday we went to the Madrid Book Fair, where we visited the stands, played in the park and met the writer Martín Casariego. This author explained to us how he writes the books that make up his children's series about the character Pisco, we asked him many questions and he signed his book for us. It was an interesting and fun morning.