Hoy hemos estado en el huerto escolar aprendiendo a conocer las plantas y los bichitos que viven en ella., y a la vez hemos jugado a ser detectives. Sandra, la jardinera y hortelana experta, nos ha enseñado qué animalitos puede haber en un huerto y si son buenos o malos para las plantas. Primero hemos tenido que buscar y anotar "algo con patas, algo redondo, etc..." y después hemos anotado las características de nuestras plantas del huerto (longitud de la planta, número de hojas, si tiene frutos y flores, etc...).
Today we were in the school garden learning about the plants and insects that live there, and at the same time playing detective. Sandra, the gardener and expert horticulturalist, taught us which little bugs can be found in a vegetable garden and if they are good or bad for the plants. First we had to look for and make note of "something with legs, something round, etc." and later we made note of the characteristics of our garden's plants (length of the plant, number of leaves, if it has fruit or flowers, etc.).