jueves, 25 de noviembre de 2010

Christmas song "LET IT SNOW!"

Vamos a empezar a practicar la canción que cantaremos en Navidad. Se llama Let it snow ! y la podeis encontrar en esta página de Internet.

canción Let it snow! in youtube.com

The weather outside is frightful
But the fire is so delightful
And since we've no place to go
Let it snow! Let it snow! Let it snow!

It doesn't show signs of stopping
And I've bought some corn for popping
The lights are turned way down low
Let it snow! Let it snow! Let it snow!

When we finally kiss goodnight
How I'll hate going out in the storm
But if you'll really hold me tight

All the way home I'll be warm

The fire is slowly dying
And, my dear, we're still goodbying
But as long as you love me so
Let it snow! Let it snow! Let it snow!

miércoles, 17 de noviembre de 2010


Ayer muchos de los alumnos de 4º estuvimos en el Cross de Usera. Nieves, Inés ganaron copas y Quique ha ganado una medalla. Nos hemos esforzado mucho, Timea ha hecho un cartel de animacion. Hemos corrido 800 m y nos hemos manchado un montón.
Yesterday many of the students from 4th grade were in Usera's Cross-Country Race. Nieves and Inés won trophies and Quique won a medal. We all put in a lot of effort. Timea made a poster to cheer the students on. We ran 800 meters and we got pretty dirty.

viernes, 12 de noviembre de 2010

Reporteros en el colegio. 4ºB

Vamos a publicar a continuación las entrevistas que hemos hecho a varias personas que trabajan en el cole:
Entrevista a la jefa de estudios, Paquita. De Carmen, Felisa, Ismael y Denys.
- ¿Te gustaria tener magia?¿Por que? Si.Porque os haria hacer los deberes,estudiariais más,os portariais bien.
- ¿Te gustaria tener un robot que te hiciera todo? Si.
- ¿Te gustaria ser más pequeña?Si,no estaria mal.
-¿Te gustaria dar mas clases?Si.
-¿Te gustaria tener otro trabajo, cuál? Si,me gustaria ser maestra.
- ¿Cuantos alumnos hay aproximadamente en una clase? Hay aproximadamente 27 alumnos en una clase.
-¿Cuantos cursos hay? Hay 25 cursos.
-¿Cuantos niños hay en el cole aproximadamente? Hay aproximadamente 600 niños en el cole.
-¿Cuantos años trabajas en el cole?Trabajo 19 años en el cole.
-¿Te gustaria trabajar en otro cole,porque?No,porque tengo mucho cariño a este cole.
-¿Te gusta tu trabajo,porque?Si,porque os ayudo a vosotros y a la sociedad.

We are going to publish the continuation of the interviews that we did with various people that work in the school.
Interview with the headmistress, Paquita. By Carmen, Felisa, Ismael and Denys.
-Would you like to be able to do magic? Why? Yes because I would make all the students do their homework, study more, and behave.
-Would you like to have a robot that did everything for you? Yes.
-Would you like to be smaller? Yes, that wouldn't be bad.
-Would you like to give more classes? Yes.
-Would you like to have another job? What would it be? Yes, I would like to be a teacher.
-Approximately how many students are there in each class? There are about 27 students in a class.
-How many classes are there? There are 25 classes.
-About how many students are there in the school? There are about 600 children in the school.
-How many years have you worked in the school? I have worked 19 years in the school.
-Would you like to work in another school? Why? No, I have a lot of affection for this school.
-Do you like your job? Why? Yes, because I help all of you and society

miércoles, 10 de noviembre de 2010

Reporteros del colegio / School Reporters

Los niños de 4º de primaria están realizando entrevistas a los distintos miembros de la comunidad educativa. A continuación pueden leer algunas de estas entrevistas:
Entrevista a la secretaria del colegio Maria Copado (de Sandra, Iris, Alba, Luis Oliver, Laura, José Latas y Víctor)
- ¿te gusta ayudar a la directora? Sí, porque somos un equipo
- ¿te gusta ser secretaria? Si porque nunca te aburres
- ¿sueles poner faltas graves? No
- ¿que clases das? Conocimiento del medio en 2ºc y plastica en 3ºb
- ¿utilizas el ordenador? Si
- do you speak English? Yes, I do
Entrevista al conserje Pablo (de Nieves, Juan, Andrea J., Mohamed y Santi)
- ¿En que consiste ser conserje? en atender a los niños y padres
-¿Como conoces a todos los niños? Solo conoce a todos los niños del colegio
-¿Te gusta tu trabajo? Si
-¿Cuantos compañeros/as tienes?
-¿Cuantos años llevas trabajando aqui? Lleva 12 años trabajando aqui
-¿Como consiges recordar todo? porque lo copia en una lista
Entrevista a Sonia, la profesora de apoyo para los inmigrantes (de Inés, Daniel,Claudia,Rocio y Luis Hens)
-¿Alguna vez te ha costado que un niño o niña te entienda? Si,muchas veces,sobre todo al principio y cuando su lengua materna no es de origen latino.
-¿te gusta este colegio?
me gusta mucho este colegio,hay muy buen ambiente entre los niños y compañeros.
-¿Que les enseña a los niños de otros paises? El español,cultura española,habitos,costumbres y las normas ya que no son las mismas
-¿A cuantos niños a enseñado? he enseñado a niños de diferentes paises como por ejemplo:Marruecos,China,Japon,Senegal,Rumania,Mali,Costa de marfil,Fancia,Italia,Inlaterra y Croacia.

The children from 4th grade are interviewing various members of the educational community. Below, you can read some of these interviews.

Interview with Maria Copado, the secretary of the school. (By Sandra, Iris, Alba, Luis Oliver, José Latas and Víctor)
-Do you like helping the school principal? Yes, because we are a team.
-Do you like being a secretary? Yes, because you never get bored.
-Do you tend to give serious discipline warnings? No.
-What classes do you teach? Science in 2ºC and Arts and Crafts in 3ºB.
-Do you use the computer? Yes, I do.
Interview with Pablo, the caretaker. (By Nieves, Juan, Andrea J., Mohamed and Santi)
-What does your job consist of? Attending to the children and parents.
-How do you know all the children? I only know all of the children.
-Do you like your job? Yes.
-How many years have you been working here? I have been working here for 12 years.
-How are you able to remember everything? Because I write it down.
Interview with Sonia, a special education teacher for immigrants. (By Inés, Daniel, Claudia, Rocio and Luis Hens)
-Has it ever been difficult to make sure a student understands you? Yes, many times, especially in the beginning and when their native language does not have Latin roots.
-Do you like the school? I really like the school. There is a good environment between the children and their fellow classmates.
-What do you teach the students from other countries? The Spanish language and culture, the habits, customs and norms, as they are not the same thing.
-How many students have you taught? I have taught students from many different countries, for example: Morocco, China, Japan, Senegal, Romania, Mali, the Ivory Coast, France, Italy, England, and Croatia.

lunes, 1 de noviembre de 2010


Este día ha sido muy especial porque nos hemos divertido mucho. Hemos pasado por el túnel del terror y vamos a pedir truco o trato. Hemos bajado al hall a bailar y cantar. Nos lo hemos pasado muy bien, hemos decorado la clase con esqueletos y dibujos terrorìficos. Y el dìa era terrorìfico. Escrito por Alex Castellano y Amir. This day has been very special because we have had a lot of fun. We passed through the tunnel of terrork, and we went trick or treating. We went to the hall to dance and to sing. We had a great time. We decorated the classroom with skeletons and terrifying drawings. The day was terrifying. Written by Alex Castellano and Amir.
En Halloween lo pasamos de maravilla, cantamos una canción en inglés, dijimos un trabalenguas, fuimos al despacho de la directora y nos dió un chupachus, decoramos el pasillo con dibujos y esqueletos, etc... Todos nos disfrazamos, menos algunos de sexto y varios profesores. También hicimos un mural de libros de miedo. Nos lo pasamos genial. Escrito por Alba.
In Halloween, we had a good time. We sang a song in English, and we said a tongue twister. The headmistress gave us lollipops, and we decorated the corridor with drawings and skeletons...Almost all the children dressed up except some children from 6th course and some teachers. We also made a mural of frightening books, it took three days to tidy everything. We had a good time. By Alba.