Este día ha sido muy especial porque nos hemos divertido mucho. Hemos pasado por el túnel del terror y vamos a pedir truco o trato. Hemos bajado al hall a bailar y cantar. Nos lo hemos pasado muy bien, hemos decorado la clase con esqueletos y dibujos terrorìficos. Y el dìa era terrorìfico. Escrito por Alex Castellano y Amir. This day has been very special because we have had a lot of fun. We passed through the tunnel of terrork, and we went trick or treating. We went to the hall to dance and to sing. We had a great time. We decorated the classroom with skeletons and terrifying drawings. The day was terrifying. Written by Alex Castellano and Amir.
En Halloween lo pasamos de maravilla, cantamos una canción en inglés, dijimos un trabalenguas, fuimos al despacho de la directora y nos dió un chupachus, decoramos el pasillo con dibujos y esqueletos, etc... Todos nos disfrazamos, menos algunos de sexto y varios profesores. También hicimos un mural de libros de miedo. Nos lo pasamos genial. Escrito por Alba.
In Halloween, we had a good time. We sang a song in English, and we said a tongue twister. The headmistress gave us lollipops, and we decorated the corridor with drawings and skeletons...Almost all the children dressed up except some children from 6th course and some teachers. We also made a mural of frightening books, it took three days to tidy everything. We had a good time. By Alba.